-she tells them to go to their father
-their mother tells their father that they are coming
-he tells them to sit by the fire while he makes them a hoop and poles
-he tells the boys not to role it towards the north
-they end up rolling the hoop toward the north and into the house of the owl
-the owl tells his wife to boil the boys so he may eat them
-she throws them in the pot where they tell each other stories
-she pokes at them and they jump out
-she then tries to roast them in the fire but they continue to tell each other stories
-when she pokes at them they jump out
-the owl claims they are practicing magic and gives them back their hoop and poles and sends them away
-when they get back home their father scolds them for rolling the hoop to the north
Hoop and Pole game. Source: Flickr
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