Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Reading Notes: The Green Jewel

-Khafra tells a story about King Sneferu
-Sneferu was bored, finding no entertainment in the palace
-his scribe suggested he go boating, with the rowers being beautiful girls
-Sneferu, the scribe, and 20 girls sailed around a lake on a elaborately decorated boat and the girls sang all the while
-An oar handle hit the girl who was steering, knocking a green jewel from her hair and into the water
-She and the rest of the girls stop singing and rowing
-Sneferu asks why they stopped and the girls explain
-He offers to give her another green jewel but she only wants her own green jewel
-After explaining this to the scribe, the scribe utters magic words, parting the water of the lake, and retrieving the girls jewel
-He utters another spell and the water goes back to the way it had been
-The trip continued
-Later, at the palace, Sneferu gave the scribe gifts and marveled at what he had done

The Hooker Emerald Brooch. Source: Wikimedia Commons

"The Green Jewel" from Egyptian Myth and Legend by Donald Mackenzie (1907).

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