-He rose, put on his armor, and soon found a ship without sail or oar
-He felt a sweetness like no other and fell asleep
-when he woke, there was a bed near him and in it lay the dead sister of Sir Percivale and in her hand was the story of her adventure which he took and read
-he remained afloat for a month until the ship came to rest near the shore
-there, a knight was riding and having seen the ship, stopped to board it
-the knight asked for Sir Lancelot du Lake's name
-wouldn't you know it, the knight turns out to be Sir Galahad, the son of Sir Lancelot
-the two share their adventures from the time they left King Arthur's Court
-they stayed in the ship for 6 months until it comes to rest on the edge of a forest
-there, a knight with white armor and two horses
-the knight said that Galahad had spent enough time with his father and that it was time for G to go on the quest for the Holy Grail
-A voice told them that they would not see each other again so they said their goodbyes and Galahad went on
-Lancelot returned to Camelot where he found that over half of the Knights of the Round Table had been slain
Sir Galahad by George Frederic Watts.
Source: Wikimedia Commons
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